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That Amazing Melaleuca Oil!

Melaleuca Oil, typically referred to as Tea Tree Oil, is the basis for the company Melaleuca Inc. But as The Melaleuca Wellness Guide states ...
“To trace the history of the “healing Tea Trees” we have to start on the North Eastern coastal region of New South Wales, Australia—the only place in the world where the Melaleuca alternifolia tree yields the “real” Tea Tree oil. We then have to travel back centuries, long before Australia was “discovered,” and long before scientific evidence began, to a time when Australia belonged to its native inhabitants, the Aborigines. In particular, the Bundjalong Aborigines inhabited the wetlands around the Bungawalbyn Creek and, according to legend, were well aware of the medicinal qualities of their many “healing trees.” Although not documented, it is widely understood that they treated various wounds and skin infections with an early form of poultice made from crushed leaves and warm mud from along the banks of the creek. The poultice was excellent for drawing out infection and healing the skin.”
During World War II a bottle of tea tree oil, also known as Melaleuca oil, was standard Government issue in the Australian Army and Navy first aid kits, especially for those soldiers serving in tropical countries.
In 1930 the Medical Journal of Australia published an article, “A New Australian Germicide,” by Dr. E.M. Humphrey. It stated that ...
"what he found most encouraging was the way that the oil from the crushed leaves of the Melaleuca alternifolia dissolved pus and left wounds and surrounding areas clean.” He tested and enthused about this great substance, highlighting Tea Tree oil as never before. He noticed “that the germicidal action became more effective in the presence of living tissue and organic matter, without any apparent damage to healthy cells.”
The Melaleuca Wellness Guide recommends tea tree oil for over 120 conditions and problems. T36-C5 Melaleuca Oil is a "first-aid kit in a bottle" and so much more.
Minor Cuts and Abrasions
A cut or abrasion may seem like a small thing, but if antibiotic resistant Staphylococcus aureus enters the skin through a wound it can cause a life threatening infection.
Many of us carry, without illness, staph bacteria in our nose. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention tell us that about one in three (33%) people carry staph in their nose, and two in a hundred people carry MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus).
T36-C5 Melaleuca Oil naturally reduces infection risk and soothes irritated skin. It has been tested for effectiveness against MRSA. Tea tree oil preparations were found effective, safe and well tolerated when compared with two topical hospital MRSA treatments.
Cuts and abrasions should be washed and then treated with T36-C5 and MelaGel.
Insect Stings
A few drops of T35-C5 mixed in with Renew Intensive Skin Therapy will soothe insect stings, and the same combination repels insects.
An abstract published in the British Journal of Dermatology acknowledged that tea tree oil can alleviate allergic responses, like the itchy reaction suffered after a sting or a bite.
Cold Sores
Cold sores are caused by a virus and are often triggered by sun exposure. Clinical studies verify that Melaleuca oil has antiviral effects on the herpes simplex virus. Apply T36-C5 at the first hint of a possible cold sore infection. Repeat every hour until the lesion either disappears or comes to a head. If it comes to a head continue to apply T36-C5 once every two hours followed by MelaGel or Renew Lotion.
When out in the sun, protect your lips against excessive sun exposure by making it a habit to apply Sun Shades Lip Balm SPF 15.
Ear Aches
If a cold leads to an earache, tea tree oil has long been used as a treatment for ear infections. The Melaleuca Wellness Guide suggests using a drop of T36-C5 or T40-C3 mixed with 15 to 20 drops of warm olive oil. Insert the oil mixture directly into the outside ear canal with a dropper 3 to 4 times daily. Avoid using full-strength T36-C5 in ears as local irritation can result. Make a wet warm compress to hold against the outer ear by putting a few drops of tea tree oil on a wet washcloth and warming it up in a microwave.
The Melaleuca Wellness Guide tells us that a cold usually gives warning that it is about to develop. From the earliest signs of tiredness, sneezing, and hoarseness, you are given a few hours to launch an attack. The The Melaleuca Wellness Guide recommends we breathe the steamy vapor of five drops of T36-C5 added to water in a steam inhaler for fifteen minutes. The wisdom of this treatment correlates with a new study that finds that the common cold virus reproduces itself at a faster speed inside the cooler temperature of our nose.
Your Feet
The Melaleuca Wellness Guide contains several remedies and prevention strategies for foot care. For a severe case of athlete's foot, put 4 tbsp of Sol-U-Mel in hot water and soak feet for 20 to 30 minutes, morning and night, for one week. After soaking, carefully dry feet, especially between the toes. Apply Dermatin, which contains doctor recommended 1% clotrimazole and T36-C5 Melaleuca Oil. Or you can use T36-C5 followed by MelaGel which contains 23% T36-C5, cocoa butter, and natural beeswax. Be sure to wear clean white cotton socks, changing them daily. Place a few drops of T36-C5 on clean socks and rub them together before putting them on. At home, and whenever possible, wear sandals. Keep feet dry and clean.
For plantar warts The Melaleuca Wellness Guide recommends a daily application of T36-C5 followed by Renew Intensive Care Therapy. The Renew lotion will help to decrease and soften cornified tissues around the wart.
Exciting New Uses
The University of Western Australia reports that tea tree oil may be used in the future as an effective treatment for non-melanoma skin cancers and precancerous lesions.
As for melanoma, PubMed reports that tea tree oil proved capable of inhibiting the growth of melanoma cells.
The American Cancer Society notes that a study published in 2006 showed that tea tree oil can kill the yeasts that cause mouth infections in cancer patients with weakened immune systems. Melaleuca's Dental Polish, Mouth Rinse and Breath-Away Spray feature gentle, but effective T40-C3 Melaleuca Oil.
It is with good reason that tea tree oil has been called a "medicine cabinet in a bottle."
Have you ever wondered what the flowers and leaves of Melaleuca alternifolia look like? Take a look at this healing wonder.
One last tip from The Melaleuca Wellness Guide, “Please be aware that there are many oils that technically can be called “Tea Tree oil” or “Melaleuca oil.” There are over 150 species of Melaleuca trees, some with nearly identical main components, but there is only one Melaleuca alternifolia. To be sure that you have the authentic Australian Tea Tree oil, it must state on the label that it is the oil of the “Melaleuca alternifolia.” It should also contain more than 35% Terpinen 4-ol and less than 10% Cineole.”
From "Abscesses" to "Zona, "T36-C5 Melaleuca Oil can make your life messes a little easier. Be sure to check out the Product Index in The Melaleuca Wellness Guide and look up all the uses for T36-C5 Melaleuca Oil. Here's a list of uses with page numbers:
Abscesses 87
Acne 89
Age Spots 90
Air Purification 91
Allergic Reactions 91
Arthritis 95
Asthma 96
Athlete’s Foot 98
Athletic Injuries 99
Baby Wipes 202
Back Pain 100
Bad Breath 100
Barber’s Itch 101
Bathing 101
Bed Sores 102
Bee & Wasp Stings 102
Bladder Infections 104
Bleeding Gums 104
Blisters 105
Body Odor 106
Boils 106
Bromhidrois 106
Bronchitis 107
Bruises 108
Bug Spray 206
Bunions 108
Burns 108
Cancer Prevention 111
Canker Sores 111
Cat Bites & Scratches 114
Chapped Hands 115
Chapped Lips 115
Chemotherapy 116
Chicken Pox 117
Chiggers 117
Chilblain 118
Cold 121
Cold Sores 121
Compress 122
Coral Cuts 123
Corns 123
Coughs 124
Cradle Cap 125
Cuts 126
Dandruff 126
Dental - Decay 127
Dental - Gum Disease 127
Diabetes 130
Diabetic Foot Ulcerations 131
Diabetic Gangrene 131
Disinfectants 133
Dog Bite 133
Douche 133
Earaches 136
Ear Infection (Outer) 137
Ear Infections 137
Earring Infection 137
Emphysema 139
Fever 142
First Aid Kit – Home &
Car 212
Fungal Infections 144
Gangrene 145
Gargling 145
Genitourinary Infections 146
Gingivitis 146
Growing Pains 148
Hair Loss 148
Hay Fever 149
Hemorrhoids 151
Hives 152
Hoarseness 153
Immune System 154, 155
Impetigo 155
Influenza 156
Ingrown Hair 156
Ingrown Toenails 157
Insect Bites 157
Insect Repellent 158, 215
Jock Itch 160
Leucorrhoea 160
Lice 161
Massage 165
Measles 165
Mold & Mildew 219
Mononucleosis 166
Mosquito Bites 167
Mosquito Spray 168
Mouthburn Relief 168
Mucous 169
Nasal Congestion 170
Nasal Ulcers 170
Paronychia 178
Plantar Warts 178
Poultice 179
Prickly Heat 181
Pruritis 181
Psoriasis 182
Rashes 183
Rheumatism 184
Ringworm 185
Sand Fleas 186
Sand Flies 186
Scabies 187
Scalds 187
Seborrhea 188
Shaving Rash 188
Shingles 189
Sinus Congestion 189
Sitz Bath 190
Skin Wounds 191
Sneezing 192
Sore Gums 192
Sore Throat 193
Swimmer’s Ear 194
Ticks 195
Toothache 195
Ulcers, Tropical 196
Ulcers, Varicose 196
Urethritis 196
Vaginal Cleansing 197
Walking 198
Warts 199
Yeast Infections 200
Zona 200
~ Richard M Barry
Melaleuca Oil Success Stories
I love the Melaleuca oil! Over the summer I was having a lot of sudden tooth pain and could not get to the dentist right away because it was a weekend. In addition to using the tooth polish, I dabbed some straight Melaleuca essential oil onto the gumline around the tooth and it helped the pain almost immediately. I did this a couple times a day for a few days until I was able to be seen at the dentist. I know it is not recommended to ingest the oil, but I was desperate and it helped tremendously.
~ Amy
We live in central Texas and fire ants are everywhere. My husband is allergic to their bites, he always uses the Melaleuca Oil on them immediately after he's bitten. The sting goes away instantly and he doesn't get the swelling and pain! The Melaleuca oil reduces the inflammation and lessens the symptoms of the bite to almost nothing!
~ Renee
My Melaleuca Wellness Guide is my “go to” book when I have an illness, ailment, need to know how to clean something or wanting a more in-depth information about a Melaleuca product. This book has educated me so much and is one that does not collect dust on my bookshelf since it is used often.
~ Kim
Every year my daughter misses so much school due to catching colds and flu bugs going around, this year she has only had a few days where she stayed home. Every time she felt like she was coming down with a cold or flu, she ran a bath and poured a cap full of Sol-U-Mel in the tub and soaked in this for half an hour. The very next day she was already feeling much better! Then we had an issue with our border collie with canine lice of all things! Well we were totally unsure as to what to do and did not want to use chemicals. We put Sol-U-Mel in a spray bottle and totally covered her fur. When we put her in the tub to wash her, there were literally 100's of lice coming off her. She is one happy pooch and not itchy anymore! We are now using tea tree oil in a spray bottle to keep these pesky critters away from her. My daughter's aunt, who is also a Melaleuca customer, had a cut on her gums and used Melaleuca oil to get rid of the pain, immediately it was gone when applied. The next day the swelling was totally gone! She also suffers from shingles, and when using the tea tree oil the redness and itching went away within minutes! So for my family, tea tree oil is totally FANTASTIC for MANY things. We love it!
~ Gina
I recently had a sinus infection and fever that was so severe I had to seek medical advice. Four days into taking the prescribed medications I developed a cold sore on my upper lip. The cold sores I had in the past would swell my lip or nose and were very painful. I had taken medicines in the past which made me sick in my stomach or gave me a headache. I also had tried some diaper rash cream on these sores which would draw out the liquid from the blisters and leave me with an ugly crust that would break open again and again and take at least ten days to heal. This time I immediately put some Melaleuca oil on it followed by the MelaGel. There was only a little swelling and it took care of the pain. I applied the products three times a day. To my surprise the swelling was gone after two days and after five days there was only some redness left. I call MelaGel my little miracle in a tube. It is always in my purse or pocket. I try not to leave the house without it. Thank you Melaleuca!
~ Ricarda
Since we enrolled 11 years ago, we have not had a cold. Every time I get a scratchy throat, I shake a drop of Melaleuca oil in my throat (I had a tonsillectomy when I was 6 and have never been able to gargle). I sometimes follow up with a squirt of Breath Spray to cut the taste. I have not awakened with a sore throat after this procedure; ever. Our home is completely a Melaleuca Home!
~ Evie
For the past year I have used RM Barry's The Melaleuca Wellness Guide's formula of Melaleuca Oil and olive oil for my 2 year old daughter whenever she complained about her ears. She hasn't gone to the doctor for a sick visit since! My other favorite thing to do with the Melaleuca Oil is wipe my son's stinky feet with it (also found this remedy in The Melaleuca Wellness Guide). After he scrubs them using the Gold Bar, I gently wipe a small amount between his toes and on the bottoms of his feet. It helps tremendously. I always make sure we have Melaleuca Oil in the cabinet!
~ Jamie
Recently I was battling a sinus infection that had developed into nasal polyps, which I discovered in an online search are quite common. They are not dangerous if treated, but very uncomfortable!! Traditional routes for getting rid of these growths in your nasal passage include steroid nasal sprays (which I believe if you use too long can make the problem worse) and minor surgery. More natural sources suggested Melaleuca oil. I created my own nasal spray with distilled water and just a few drops of Melaleuca oil and was able to take down the inflammation and cure myself of the sinus infection without surgery or prescriptions. I do recommend using the spray for another week after you can breathe well again to really prevent the polyps and infection from coming back. The T40-C3 oil may have even faster results, but I only had the regular strength Melaleuca oil at the time.
~ Karen
I so appreciate the T36-C5!!!! My family has lots of problems with cold sores. At the very first symptom of one coming on we put the T36-C5 on it and continue occasionally throughout the day. T36-C5 stops it right NOW!!! I have never had one continue on after using the T36-C5 on it at the first symptom. What a blessing! We also use it whenever we get colds, flu, or any other time we don't feel quite up to par. Even a drop in the back of the throat after a prolonged sore, scratchy throat for more than a week and it was gone overnight. The taste is awful but the results are worth it!
~ Barbara
I used to get extremely bad sore throats. They were so bad that I couldn't swallow and I always needed to go to the doctor and get antibiotics. I used to have rheumatic fever as a child, and ever since I have had to be careful of getting sore throats. Since I discovered Melaleuca and Melaleuca oil I never get severe sore throats. As soon as I feel a sore throat coming on, I gargle with 3-4 drops of oil in warm water a couple of times and my sore throat magically disappears. Thank you Melaleuca.
~ Joan
When one of our family of five gets cold or flu like symptoms the only thing that helps with breathing at night is a capful Sol-U-Mel in the humidifier. We use the lemon blossom Sol-U-Mel which has high concentration of Melaleuca Oil in it. It works wonders! For cold sores just dab Melaleuca Oil or MelaGel on the sore throughout the day if possible. It clears up within a few days instead of a week plus! Truly amazing the healing power of this Melaleuca Oil. Thanks
~ Steve
My experiences with tea tree oil are many. I have suffered because of years of smoking in my early years with a chronic cough and heavy chest congestion. Over the years even after quitting I still had the persistent cough and bronchial problem. I learned from The Melaleuca Wellness Guide as well as others what they've done to relieve the problem, and today I no longer suffer from any symptoms. When I felt the onset of a symptom in the back of my throat I immediately gargled with 2 drops of T36-C5 and salt water. Then I poured boiling water into a bowl, added 3-4 drops of T36-C5 placed a towel over my head, closed my eyes, and breathed in through my nose and mouth. I also drank the Melaleuca Herbal Tea and used the cough drops at 2 hour intervals. OMG symptoms gone! And over the last 5 years I have no more bronchial coughs or congestion. By the way, my daily regimen of Vitality Total, now Peak Performance Pack, never ceased. Also T40-C3 has eliminated sun induced raised blemishes on my arms. I apply after I shower. Warm Regards,
~ Paul