Melaleuca Original Shampoo

Customers tell us that Melaleuca Original Shampoo leaves their hair silky and shiny. That by itself would make it a favorite but Original Shampoo does so much more. It has an effective dose of naturally healing T36-C5 Melaleuca Oil which makes it effective against bacterial and fungal conditions, and very soothing for scalp irritations.

This Good Housekeeping article has pictures of 7 common scalp conditions. You’ll note that some of the scalp conditions are bacterial or fungal in nature. Melaleuca Original Shampoo is very effective for two of the most common conditions: dandruff and lice.

The Melaleuca Wellness Guide tells us that using harsh detergents, soaps, and chemical-laden shampoos may challenge normal skin bacteria. It recommends instead to shampoo with Melaleuca Original Shampoo once or twice a day while dandruff is present. Leave the Melaleuca Original Shampoo on the scalp for at least three minutes before rinsing. Healthline also notes the usefulness of Melaleuca oil in a shampoo.

Melaleuca oil can kill lice, and can be used as a safer alternative to using a pesticide on your child’s head. Italian researchers in search of a non-pesticide treatment for lice found that tea tree oil at 1% concentration killed head lice with 100% mortality in 30 minutes. Using a 2% concentration killed louse eggs.
To prevent lice infestations we recommend regularly shampooing hair with Melaleuca Original Shampoo, which is rich in pure T36-C5 Melaleuca Oil and natural conditions like sunflower and silk amino acids.
Good to Know: Bacteria as a New Cause of Dandruff

A quick search of the word “microbiome” on PubMed brings up almost 41,000 results. Research has found how important it is to have a symbiotic relationship with the populations of microbial species that live in us and on us. A disparity of our microbial species can compromise our health.

Your skin and scalp are naturally home to some microbes. So what microbes populate a dandruff-free head of hair? A team of researchers looked for, and found, an imbalance between two competing bacteria that normally live on the human scalp as a cause for dandruff.

Richard M Barry

Melaleuca Original Shampoo Success Stories

Melaleuca Original Shampoo is part of our head lice protocol because of the Melaleuca Oil in this product! Add a few drops of Melaleuca Oil to Original Shampoo and wash hair. Massage Melaleuca Oil into hair and scalp while still wet. Wrap in towel and leave for 15-20 minutes.
Unwrap, rinse lightly and use a nit comb to gently remove eggs on hair shafts. Repeat daily for a week and then twice a week for a month. The best way is to use Melaleuca Original Shampoo as a preventative for all children that attend school!

~ Karen

For years I have been brushing dandruff off my husband's shoulders anytime he was wearing anything dark. It was especially noticeable when he was wearing a suit. I would have to brush off his shoulders many times during whatever function we were at. I also like dark colored sheets and every morning when I would make the bed I would have to brush not only the dandruff of the pillowcase but also the hair he was losing. When we started shopping with Melaleuca I bought the Melaleuca Original Shampoo for his shower. I made sure it was the only shampoo in there so he had to use it. After about a week I could see a noticeable difference on his pillowcase. After a few weeks, there was literally no dandruff or hair on his pillowcase. This has been a problem he had for his whole life, so he is so excited about it being gone. He has used the Melaleuca Original Shampoo for 11 years now.

~ Linda

I had dry, itchy scalp for 40 years. It would itch so bad I would have sores on my head. It was very embarrassing, I had to keep my hair long to hide the sores that would bleed. Any time I went to get a haircut, I couldn't tolerate the shampoo they used so had to wash my hair right away. I tried so many different kinds that never worked. Then I was introduced to Melaleuca and the Original Shampoo! The improvement was noticeable within days, but almost totally disappeared. Now it may come on a little when my allergies start bothering me, but an extra repeat shampoo takes care of it! Will never use anything else!!

~ Shar

My husband and I have loved using the Original Shampoo for years. I have very sensitive skin and find that it is great for my sometimes itchy scalp and good overall hair cleaning.

~ J&D

I have never been one to wash my hair on a regular basis. My head always itched and I would get bumps around my face and neck that were like pimples that were swollen and sore, but I still don't know what they are. After trying everything out there, the only thing that made those bumps go away was using coal tar shampoo. It seemed really weird smelling like railroad ties but my grandpa also had to use coal tar shampoo for his head. Once I switched over to Melaleuca with a Value Pack, I tried the Melaleuca Original Shampoo that my enroller Ellen recommended. Oh my! My scalp and skin around my hair have never been happier. Every once in a while, the bumps come back and that wonderful shampoo makes the swelling and pain go away immediately, and the bumps within a day or so. My oldest son just started having the same problem, so now this is his favorite shampoo too. I couldn't be happier, and that is just the story I have about the shampoo I use. Thank you Melaleuca for the blessings and health you have given my family!

~ Nicole

Our story with Melaleuca Original Shampoo has to do with my husband’s daughter. She was very prone to head lice. After treating her several times with Melaleuca products to get rid of the head lice, we started washing her hair with the Melaleuca Original Shampoo. Once we started that, she didn’t get head lice any more. It was such a simple solution!

~ Eileen

Before joining Melaleuca I had a very dry and itchy scalp. I also suffered very badly from dandruff and tried many different shampoos some which were claimed to be more natural based. But the problem was they were very expensive, and most times didn't work for a long time or at all, and wasted a lot of money. After switching to the Melaleuca Herbal Shampoo and the Affinia Moisturizing Shampoo I no longer suffer from dandruff, and can say I have healthy hair once and for all. Thank you Melaleuca.

~ Azriel

I began using Melaleuca Original shampoo 4 years ago after returning from a mission trip with head lice. I had also read that it helps with hair loss in The Melaleuca Wellness Guide. I was having trouble with hair loss, so decided it would be worth a try. I have found that it does help, as each time I wash I do not loose as much hair, and the areas of loss have not increased, and I am thankful for that. I went on the same mission trip last year and didn't get head lice and all the other participants also used the shampoo as protection with no one getting head lice.

~ Nancy


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